seldom heard: ranchers, ranchos & rumors of the south texas brush country

Seldom Heard: Ranchers, Ranchos & Rumors of the South Texas Brush Country by Dian L. Malouf.

Seldom Heard is a collection of stories from modern cattlemen (all characters) who have shared vignettes about their ancestors, ranches and their lives on the Texas range. Includes 26 easy to read essays of Southern Texas ranches, many of which date back 100 years in the same family. Includes two of the biggest ranches in Texas – East Family Ranches, and Killam Family Ranches.

To go ranch hopping through the great ranches of South Texas is an experience worth having. Dian Malouf knows the old-timers who inhabit them. Her book —Seldom Heard — is an easy read through 26 essays of ranches, many of which date back 100 years in the same family. Some of these vast spreads top 360,000 acres.

These rancher’s idiosyncrasies are abundant and amusing, and Dian reveals them with surprise and humor.

Makes a great gift! 


$39.95 plus tax and shipping 

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